The UC Faculty Family Friendly Edge is a series of initiatives and projects designed to develop and implement a comprehensive package of innovative policies and programs for ladder-rank faculty in the UC system, entry level through retirement, as well as to examine the role of institutions of higher education and federal granting agencies in leaks from the academic pipeline at all stages.
The principal investigators for the original UC Faculty Family Friendly Edge project were UC Berkeley's Mary Ann Mason(link is external), Co-Director of the Berkeley Center on Health, Economic, and Family Security (CHEFS), and Angelica Stacy(link is external), Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Equity. Marc Goulden(link is external), Director of Data Initiatives, Karie Frasch(link is external), Director, Faculty Equity and Welfare, and Carol Hoffman, founding UC Berkeley Work-Life Program Manager, co-managed the project.
The principal investigator for the Sloan Award for Faculty Career Flexibility was Angelica Stacy. Marc Goulden was co-investigator, and Karie Frasch managed the project.
The principal investigator for the Federal Grants and the Academic Pipeline project was Mary Ann Mason. Marc Goulden was co-investigator, and Karie Frasch managed the project.
Nicholas Wolfinger, Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Studies at the University of Utah has also been active on the UC Faculty Family Friendly Edge projects and has been a co-author on a number of project publications.
The co-principal investigators for the Aging, Work, and Retirement among Late-Career Faculty at the University of California project are Professor Emeritus Sheldon Zedeck(link is external),Class of 1950 Professor of Economics David Card(link is external), and Angelica Stacy. Marc Goulden and Karie Frasch manage the project.