The Sloan AwardThis award was used to increase awareness and use of family responsive policies, shift the academic culture further toward acceptance of family friendliness and family responsiveness, and continue to push through a number of relevant initiatives. |
The UC Family Friendly Edge Sloan GrantThis award was earmarked for work to assess, revise and implement a package of "family-friendly" policies designed to make flexible career paths and part-time work status viable options for ladder-rank faculty with caregiving responsibilities. |
Federal GrantsThe Federal Grants and the Academic Pipeline project was focused on the intersection between the policies of institutions of higher education and federal granting agencies, and their joint impact on the academic pipeline. |
Aging, Work, and RetirementThe Aging, Work, and Retirement among Late-Career Faculty project is funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. This project will significantly advance the field of faculty aging and retirement. |